"Excuse me sir, but I had to ask", there was Joel, for the first time, succumbing to frustration. He continued, " Do you ever break down? I know you are my instructor and you are perfect with the aircraft. But, flying to you is effortless. You can assume control at any point of flying and still settle the aircraft to a stable state before landing" He continued in wonder. " Will I ever get it like you do?" Well, Joel is one of my students. I trained him from day one and I can tell you I have known him for quite some time. Unlike most cases, he didn't get airsick on his first flight, which for the instructor can be a good sign or otherwise. Are flight Instructors really that perfect with the aircraft? Is it our gift or its some skill we learn along the way? One may wonder. Well, today you get to be in my shoes, make sure they are comfy because it going to be one hell of a ride...read on... Who is a flight instructor? One may ask. Well, they are pe...