History has taught us that every treasure that ever exists is usually guarded. From a hidden chest at the bottom of the ocean to Infinity stones in our galaxy ( Thanos I'm not talking about you. lol!). Back to our planet,Earth, we do have real life examples of such guarded treasures. Like the positions of power such as Heads of State. But those who rise up to such challenges and earn such treasures, do they just get there? Is it that simple? Read on...

One sunny afternoon during lunch break, one of my top performing student approach me with a long face. I could see from his facial expression something was bothering him. "You seem to be having a wonderful day," I teased. Humor in aviation is the order of the day. Our Aviation doctors really emphasize on the importance of taking life easy amidst stressful situations from day to day. " Its this Solo issue", he continued. " I have tried my best to master the procedures and fine tune my flying. But the harder I try the more I seem to drift away from it." I could sense despair from his tone. "We all have been there friend, now more than ever you must believe in yourself. Its not the time to give up. Frustration is a sign that you are almost getting to the prize you seek. It is a test to see how far you are willing to go for your ambition." I encouraged him.

I do recall a similar situation that happened to me when I was on the final phases of my Commercial License training. There were these final theory exams and every commercial pilots license holder will tell you how challenging they can be. I have known people who have quit Flying because of this single exam. Yes, quit for good!! However, those that have struggled to pass them, no matter how many attempts they do, can testify what comes afterwards. Once you take the challenge and go past it, there awaits your crest full of the treasure you seek. These life challenges remind me of the story of David and Goliath in the Bible. How it is that we must slay a giant before we can proceed to the next dimension of our lives.

In all dimensions of our lives, no one has moved forward to a life changing situation without overcoming a challenging obstacle. It is always after that heart break that we learn to love unconditionally. It is past those sleepless nights of building your craft that you can become an overnight success. Your giant must be slayed before you can reach to the guarded treasure you seek. The giant is not there to kill you, at times it will kill you though (when you give up), but to test your willingness to rise up to the challenge and earn what you seek. The battle to slay the giant is what builds your muscle to sustain you in your next dimension. Embrace it. Its worth it.

We all have our giants to slay at different stages of our lives and the giant becomes bigger for ever previous one you slay. If you life got a little bit harder, then its time to look forward to an even bigger, better reward. Again don't forget there is a giant to slay as well. No one can fight your battles but yourself. Remember God is in control and sees it all. He would not let a giant you cant slay guard your sought treasure. Don't let the size of the giant fool you. Who would have though a Shepard can slay Goliath with a mere stone!!

Ask Flight Instructor Kenny


  1. Always a pleasure to hear your story...and true hard work and determination gets you up the ladder...

  2. Cheers to all the big brothers like you who inspire their baby sisters as you do me❤️


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